Alloy Polishing Co.

Alloy Polishing Store FrontContact Us:

New Address:
809 N. Tower Ave.
Centralia, WA 98531

Phone: (360) 736-2716


Emailing for pricing? While we have polished MANY unique items at Alloy Polishing Co., we may not have processed one like yours. If you do not see a similar item on our website, be sure to include a picture, or link to a picture online (manufacturer or ebay item etc.).

We respond to all emails recieved. If you do not hear from us within 72 hours please give us a call at (360) 736-2716.

Hours of operation: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST

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True Show Quality Polishing
Alloy Polishing Co. -2002-- All Rights Reserved